About Us

RKO GROUP is a 100% Czech group

RKO GROUP is a 100% Czech group. Most of the companies are fully family owned. Family and traditional values are central to us and are reflected in our approach to cooperation.

RKO GROUP operates in three main divisions. The Waste Management Division provides comprehensive services in the field throughout the territory of the Czech Republic. This includes the purchase of secondary raw materials, the operation of recycling and separation centres, the operation of collection yards for municipalities, the processing of corporate waste, but especially the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (scrap cars), where we are the absolute market leader in the Czech Republic.

The Demolition Division offers comprehensive services, demolition of industrial buildings, chimneys, bridge structures and the dismantling and removal of technology facilities.

The strength of the Engineering Division today is that it offers a wide portfolio of services in one place. Burning, milling, annealing, welding and, of course, assembly. But also, the design and construction itself. Today, all you need to finalise your project is one contact, one phone number. From the idea to complete implementation.

RKO GROUP focuses on environmental protection and on helping and providing opportunities to our fellow citizens with various types of disabilities. One of our companies employs up to 70% of people with reduced working capacity.

Roman Filip

Roman Filip

Today RKO GROUP offers
services in the following sectors

Waste Management

  • Commercial and industrial waste management
  • Recycling of end-of-life vehicles (scrap cars)
  • Purchase of secondary raw materials and catalytic converters
  • Processing of cables and plastics.
  • Delivery and uplift of dumpsters
  • Treatment of discarded electrical waste for collective systems.

Engineering Division

  • Production of equipment for waste management companies.
  • Bending, milling, welding.
  • Overhaul of grabs and assembly lines.
  • Manufacture of press tools and equipment.
  • CNC machining and sheet metal cutting.
  • Laser cutting of sheet metal and profiles.
  • Locksmith works.

Division of Demolition and Removal of Technology Facilities

  • Demolition of industrial buildings
  • Special machine demolition of all types of structures
  • Machine demolition of high-rise buildings
  • Demolition of bridge structures
  • Demolition of above-ground and underground buildings by heavy machinery
  • Demolition by gradual dismantling, cutting
  • Demolition of chimneys
  • Blasting of buildings and chimneys
  • Demolition of family houses

Consultio is a professional consulting company

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

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History to Unite and Inspire People

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For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans

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Award winner

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.